253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday October 28, 2024
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William A. Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Don Vymazal – Township Manager
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Vince Pompo- LambMcErlane, CTMA Solicitor (Absent)
Call to Order
The meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was called to order by Mr. Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person at the Caln Township Municipal Building Meeting Room located at 253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, Pa and via Zoom. The regular scheduled meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was advertised in the Daily Local News on December 27, 2023, and the agenda was posted on the Caln Township Website and Lobby on October 25, 2024. Copies of the Agenda were made available to the public.
Minutes of September 23, 2024, Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the August minutes. Approved with minor corrections. After discussion, Mr. Schew motioned, seconded by Ms. Bernard, to adopt the September 2024 minutes, as presented. The vote passed 5.0
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. There were none.
Act 537 Plan/ Additional Capacity Update/ Dara Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future, the 52-week average chart and Dara weekly flow report. Mr. Chambers distributed correspondence to the Board from Entech regarding the modernization project. Mr. Chambers stated that as part of the current modernization project it will allow for an ultimate flow 8.5MGD even though the current flow limit is 7.5 MGD and the incremental cost sizing equipment to the higher flow is minor. Mr. Chambers also stated that the estimate cost of upsizing the equipment and other systems for the extra 1MGD should be less than 5% of the total modernization project costs. Mr. Chambers also stated that all municipalities are interested in moving forward with the project.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Gilmore finalized the bid pack for 2025 Grouting Project#CAL-01-24 which the project went live on Penn bid on October 18. with an anticipated bid opening of mid-November. Mr. Gill added that the sewer repair project will involve the testing of all pipe joints and grouting of joints that fail the test approximately 4,100 linear feet of 8” diameter gravity sewer.
Caln Meetinghouse/Granger Lane Project
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Caln Meetinghouse/Granger Lane project and stated that Gilmore sent the plans to Williams Transco Pipeline on September 30, 2024, for them to review the proposed crossing of their gas pipelines. Mr. Bickhart added that drawings and sewer specs are almost complete and ready to bid.
Raye Road Emergency Repair Update
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Raye Road Emergency Repair that was approved at last month’s meeting. Mr. Gill stated that the phase 1 portion of the project began on September 16th, which consisted of an emergency stabilization of the existing sewer main by concrete encasing the main in 2 locations and armoring the stream banks in those locations with Riprap to prevent further erosion. Mr. Gill mentioned that MOR Construction Services, Inc. has completed the Project and is ready for the Final Closeout. Mr. Gill added that Gilmore is currently working on the design of the phase 2 portion of the project, which will involve the relocation, lowering and installation of a new sanitary sewer main and associated appurtenances, so we can get the exposed laterals below the stream bed and encased in concrete which we anticipate the work being completed in 2025.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Final payment request from MOR Construction Services, Inc.in the amount of $35,216.70. After the discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario to recommend to Board of Commissioners to authorize the release of the Final payment request to MOR Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of $35,216.70 contingent that all work is completed to the satisfaction of the Authority Engineer. The vote passed 5.0.
Fernmoor Homes Downingtown Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Fernmoor Homes has requested reimbursement of the portion of the cost of the Llyod Avenue Improvements pursuant to the Amended and Restated Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement and the Act from any future developers who might benefit from the Llyod Avenue Sewer Improvement. Gilmore and Associates on behalf of the Authority completed the review of the costs that were submitted by Fernmoor Homes for the Llyod Avenue Sewer Improvements and determined that only 15% of the eligible costs ($317,696.64) or $47,695.45 are subject to reimbursement under the Act.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Fernmoor Homes Reimbursement Agreement that sets the terms and conditions for the impositions, collection and reimbursement of the Reimbursement Part to Fernmoor Homes for the Llyod Avenue Sewer Improvements that were completed for the benefit of the Fernmoor Homes, Authority and other property owners as required by the Section J of the “Amended and Restated Sanitary Sewer Capacity Reservation, Contribution and Extension Agreement. Mr. Gill also stated that the enclosed Resolution #2024-4-CTMA will impose upon new users to be served by the Llyod Avenue Sewer Improvements whether directly or indirectly, an additional reimbursement part tapping fee in the amount not to exceed $128.91 per EDU in addition to the fees imposed by the Resolution No. 2019-2-CTMA.
After discussion, Ms. Bernard made a motion seconded by Mr. Schew to adopt Resolution 2024-4-CTMA and authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Reimbursement Agreement in the form as submitted. The vote passed 5.0.
2025 Professional Consultant Fee Schedule
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 2025 Engineer Fee Schedule for Gilmore & Associates and Hydraterra Professional LLC. and the 2025 Legal Fee Schedule Lamb Mcerlane. After discussion the Board approved staff to proceed to include the rates in the resolution which will be presented on December 16, 2024, meeting adopting the 2025 fees for the professional consultants who are retained by the Authority.
William A. Schew Reappointment
Mr. Gill informed the Board that Mr. Schew’s term will expire on December 31, 2024, and he also confirmed with Mr. Schew that he would like to remain on the Authority Board for a new 5-year term. After discussion, the Board by consensus recommended forwarding a memo for consideration to the Township Board of Commissioners, recommending that Mr. Schew be reappointed to the Authority Board for a new 5-year term.
2025 Meeting Dates
Mr. Gill presented a list of proposed 2025 Municipal Authority meeting dates. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Ms. Bernard, to approve the 2025 Municipal Authority meeting dates as presented and authorized Mr. Gill to forward it to the Township Secretary for advertising. The vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and the revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of September 2024 and the balances in Act 57 and Sewer Capital Funds. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to accept the September financials, as submitted. The vote passed 5.0.
Delinquent Collection Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a memo from the finance department that gave an update on the status of the prior year’s delinquent collections.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 2024 penalty waiver request from the finance department and informed the Board that there are no penalty waiver requests that were made in the month of September.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Ms. Bernard, to adjourn the October 28, 2024, meeting at 8:00 pm. The vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary
october_28_2024_ctma_minutes.pdf |