253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday December 16, 2024
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William A. Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Don Vymazal – Township Manager
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Vince Pompo- LambMcErlane, CTMA Solicitor (Absent)
Call to Order
The meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was called to order by Mr. Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person at the Caln Township Municipal Building Meeting Room located at 253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, Pa and via Zoom. The regular scheduled meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was advertised in the Daily Local News on December 27, 2023, and the agenda was posted on the Caln Township Website and Lobby on December 13, 2024. Copies of the Agenda were made available to the public.
Minutes of November 18, 2024, Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the November minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mr. Mullin motioned, seconded by Mr. Schew, to adopt the November 2024 minutes, as presented. The vote passed 5.0
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. Mr. Hashem spoke to the Board regarding his late fees accrued on his sewer bills and requesting reimbursement for a portion of the sewer penalties on his account. Mr. Hashem explained that he thought he was paying the current bills and thinking that he was paying what he is supposed to be paying on his current bill. Mr. Hashem also mentioned that he paid off his 2021-2022 sewer bills and is catching up on the 2023 billing and halfway in 2024. Mr. Gill added that the 2023 penalty balance is approximately $24.17, and the 2024 penalty balance is approximately $122.85. Mr. Hashem told the Board that he will pay off the balance for 2023 and 2024 before Christmas of this year. Mr. Mullin explained to Mr. Hashem that the CTMA has a standard policy that is in place to waive the late fees, but for Mr. Hashem circumstances, which is different as he is trying to get caught up on the billing which the Board appreciates. Mr. Mullin added that this is a new territory to consider. We also must consider other businesses out there and try to do the same thing. The Board requested that Mr. Hashems request be added to the agreed to add January Meeting.
Act 537 Plan/ Additional Capacity Update/ Dara Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future, the 52-week average chart and Dara weekly flow report. Mr. Chambers informed the Board that there is no update from Dara for the month of December.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill informed the Board that the 2025 Grouting Project bid opening was November 14, 2024, and the apparently lowest bidder was Sewer Specialty Services Company Inc. in the amount of $142,073.35. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Ms. Bernard to award the 2025 Grouting Project Contract #CAL-01-24 to Sewer Specialty Services Company Inc in the amount of $142,073.35 and authorized the CTMA Chairman to sign all required documents pertaining to the contract once the signed contract is received back from the contractor and reviewed and approved by the CTMA’s Solicitor and Engineer. The vote passed 5.0.
Caln Meetinghouse/Granger Lane Project
Mr. Gill updated the Board on the Caln Meetinghouse/Granger Lane project and stated that Gilmore is still working on finalizing the plans and bid specifications and anticipating going out the bid January 15, 2025. Mr. Gill presented to the Board a Letter of No objection from Williams Transco Pipeline on the proposed crossing that will need to be signed by the Chairman, and presented to the Board the proposed cost estimate, which appears to be in line with what was presented earlier. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to authorize Gilmore to proceed with going out to bid for the Caln Meeting House Granger Lane Project and authorized the Chairperson to sign the Letter of No objection from Williams Transco Pipeline in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
PennDOT Paving Project
Mr. Gill informed the Board that back in 2020 the CTMA adopted resolution 2020-3-CTMA entering into 2020-2029 Master Casting Agreement with PennDOT and authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign the project initiation forms for the duration of the agreement. The department received notification from PennDOT of an upcoming paving project that will be in the vicinity of our utility. Mr. Gill presented to the Board the PennDot Project Initiation Form showing the location of the project along with the number of frames that would be impacted and need to be possibly adjusted by their contractor. Mr. Gill added that the Department works with the contractor on the adjustments each time, which usually eliminates any financial impact on the CTMA. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Ms. Bernard to authorize the Chairman to sign the attached PennDOT Project Initiation form in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
4102 Associates LLC Project.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Sewer Capacity Reallocation, Extension and Maintenance Agreement for 4102 Edges Mill Road. The project proposes a lot consolidation of Lot 1 and Lot 2 and the construction of an additional 41,000 SF flex building and associate improvements. Mr. Gill added that according to the Authority’s records, the Authority allocated 3 commercial EDUs to Lot 1 as part of the G. Antonini Reality, Inc Project, which is a vacant lot comprised of approximately 6.9 acres and the Authority currently allocates two (2) commercial EDUs to Lot 2 which is comprised of approximately 6 acres and improved with a warehouse. The Applicant agrees that a total of six commercial EDUs will be needed for the development of Lot 1 which will consist of the 3 commercial existing EDUs that are currently assigned to Lot 1 and the 3 additional new commercial EDUs that must be purchased by the Applicant for Development. Mr. Gill informed the Board that the Applicant is no longer proposing constructing the facilities associated with the common low-pressure force main as outlined in the original July 30, 2019, Easement Agreement with the Authority, but instead proposing to connect directly to the existing sanitary sewer grinder pump station presently serving Lot 2. Mr. Gill stated that the existing 3” low pressure force main will no longer be considered a common sewer main once the lots are consolidated, and there is no need of accepting dedication of the existing 3” low pressure force main as stated in the original July 30, 2019, Easement Agreement so the new agreement will relinquish all rights to the easement area. Mr. Gill added that the purpose of this agreement is to address the allocation of capacity needed for the proposed development of the property, the relinquishment by the Authority of all rights to July 30, 2019, easement agreement and to provide for the termination of the G. Antonini Reality, Inc. Lot 1 Capacity Agreement. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Sewer Capacity Reallocation, Extension and Maintenance Agreement and the Relinquishment of Easement Agreement in the form as presented. The vote passed 5.0.
2025 Professional Consultant
Mr. Gill presented the Board Resolution 2024-5-CTMA, adopting the 2025 schedule of fees for the Authority’s Professional Consultants. After the discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Ms. Bernard, to adopt Resolution 2024-5-CTMA, adopting the 2025 schedule of fees for the Authority’s Professional Consultants. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill recommended extending the Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement, dated December 16, 2013, with Gilmore & Associates, Inc. until December 31, 2025. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to extend the Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement, dated December 16, 2013, with Gilmore & Associates, Inc. until December 31, 2025. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill recommended retaining Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. for special projects at their proposed 2025 rate schedule and to extend Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement with Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. Until December 31, 2025. After discussion, Ms. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew, to retain Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. For special projects at their proposed 2025 rate schedule and to extend Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement until December 31, 2025. The vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of November 2024 and the balances in Act 57 and Sewer Capital Funds. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin, to accept the November financials, as submitted. The vote passed 5.0.
Delinquent Collection Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a memo from the finance department that gives an update on the status of the prior year’s delinquent collections. Mr. Gill updated the Board and stated that the 2021-2022 have been turned over to Portnoff for collection, and for 2023 they are still on 30-Day window and the certified letter will be mailed out between Christmas and New Year. Mr. Vymazal informed the Board that he updated the Board of Commissioners pertaining delinquencies.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 2024 penalty waiver request from the finance department and informed the Board that there are 3 penalty waiver requests that were made in the month of November.
2025 Rate Resolution
Mr. Gill presented Resolution 2024-6-CTMA establishing the sewer rates effective January 1, 2025, and approving the 2025 Operating, Act 57 and Capital Fund budgets. Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin adopting Resolution # 2024-6-CTMA effective January 1, 2025. The vote passed 5.0.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on and their progress.
There being no further business, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin, to adjourn the December 16, 2024, meeting at 8.25 pm. The vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary

december_16_2025_ctma_minutes.pdf |