253 Municipal Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
Monday December 19, 2022
7:00 PM
Those Present and Absent:
George Chambers – Chairperson
Paul Mullin – Vice Chairperson
William Schew – Treasurer
Tony DiSario – Assistant Treasurer/Assistant Secretary
Noel Bernard – Secretary
Scot Gill – Wastewater Department Director
Kristen Denne – Township Manager (Absent)
Jennylyn Tanedo – Recording Secretary
Ross Bickhart – Gilmore & Associates, CTMA Engineer
Vince Pompo- LambMcErlane, CTMA Solicitor
Call to Order
The meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was called to order by Mr. Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person at the Caln Township Municipal Building Meeting Room located at 253 Municipal Drive Thorndale, Pa and via Zoom. The regular scheduled meeting of the Caln Township Municipal Authority was advertised in the Daily Local News on December 28, 2021, and the agenda was posted on the Caln Township Website and Lobby on December 16, 2022. Copies of the Agenda were made available to the public.
Executive Session
Mr. Chambers noted an executive session prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss legal matters.
Minutes of the November 21, 2022. Meeting
Mr. Chambers called for additions or corrections to the November minutes. There were none. After discussion, Mr. Mullin motioned, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to adopt the November 2022 minutes, as presented. The vote passed 3 and 2 abstained.
Public Comment
Mr. Chambers called for public comments. There were none.
Dogwood/Scott Drive Project Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board several options to address the remaining connections that staff have been working on with Mr. Pompo. Mr. Chambers mentioned that the Board has been very lenient and tried to extend the connection requirements because of the pandemic, but he stated that there is a certain point in time that that the Board will need to enforce the rules for safety reasons as well. The Board proceeded to discuss the different options with Mr. Pompo and Mr. Pompo recommended that the Board authorize sending out a final letter along with a copy of the complaint that would be filed with the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, giving the resident 60 Days to respond and if they fail to respond then the complaint would be officially filed with Court of Common Pleas requesting a judgement against the property. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to authorize staff and solicitor to draft the necessary documents to obtain the judgement against those who haven’t connected and mail to the properties giving the resident 60 Days to respond and if they fail to respond, then the Board authorized that the complaint would be officially filed with Court of Common Pleas. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 1202 Blackhorse Hill Road Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Grinder Pump System. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario to authorize the Chairperson to sign the enclosed Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Grinder Pump Systems for 1202 Blackhorse Hill Road in the form as presented. 5.0.
Act 537 Plan/ Additional Capacity Update/ Dara Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a spreadsheet showing the status of pending projects that will be needing capacity in the future, the 52-week average chart and Dara weekly flow report. Mr. Gill also presented to the Board the response letter from Chester County Planning Commission to the Township Act 537 Plan Update.
I/I Reduction Program
Mr. Gill informed the Board that the Caln Interceptor Phase 4 Repair Project Contract# CAL-02-21 with Equix Integrity has been completed and the contractor is in the process of submitting the final closeout documents. Mr. Gill presented to the Board the 1st payment request from Equix Integrity, Inc. for Contract# CAL-02-21 in the amount of $143,315.82. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to authorize release of Equix Integrity, Inc. 1st Payment request for Contract # CAL-02-21 in the amount of $143,315.82, contingent that all work is completed to the satisfaction of the authority engineer. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill presented to the Board the Award Recommendation letter and the Bid Tabulation from Gilmore for the Caln Interceptor Repair Phase 5 Contract# CAL-02-22. Mr. Bickhart recommended that the contract to be awarded to Standard Pipe Services, LLC. in the amount of $158,493.00 for the base bid and Add-Alternate #1. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mullin, to award the Caln Interceptor Repair Phase 5 Contract# CAL-02-22 to Standard Pipe Services, LLC. in the amount of $158,493.00 for the base bid and Add-Alternate #1 and to authorize the CTMA Chairman to sign all required documents pertaining to the contract once the signed contract is received back from the contractor, reviewed, and approved by the CTMA’s Solicitor and Engineer. The vote passed 5.0
Fernmoor Homes (Dwell Project) Update
Mr. Gill presented to the Board a request from Fernmoor Homes on a possible need of a temporary Pump and Haul, due to PennDOT not allowing the portion of 322 in this area to be detoured so they can complete the sewer work, until the dismissal of School for the 2023 Summer vacation. Mr. Gill stated that as per the Agreement with Fernmoor Homes states that unless otherwise agreed by the Authority, no use and occupancy permit of any dwelling unit may be issued for the project until the Property is connected to Public Sewer System and operational to the satisfaction of Authority. Mr. Gill stated that in order to provide wastewater disposal during the interim period between issuance of Use of Occupancy permit by the Township and completion of the On-Site and Off-Site Sewer Facilities, Fernmoor Homes is requesting that CTMA allow for a temporary pump and haul operation until the final gravity work can be completed. Mr. Gill presented to the Board the criteria that the developer will have to meet to utilize the Temporary Pump and Haul that Gilmore put together and forwarded it to the developer. Mr. Gill then stated if the Authority had no objection to this request, staff and CTMA consultants will draft up an agreement that will address the required operation and maintenance of the temporary pump and haul and will also grant them an extension to complete and make operational the On-Site Sewer Facilities to the satisfaction of the Authority. Mr. Gill stated that the agreement will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.
2023 Professional Consultants
Mr. Gill presented to the Board Resolution 2022-6-CTMA, adopting the 2023 schedule of fees for the Authority’s Professional Consultants. After discussion, Mr. Schew made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to adopt Resolution 2022-6-CTMA approving the 2023 schedule of fees for the Authority’s Professional Consultants. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill recommended that the Board extend the Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement, dated December 16, 2013, with Gilmore & Associates, Inc. until December 31, 2023. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew to extend the Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement, dated December 16, 2013, with Gilmore & Associates, Inc. until December 31, 2023. The vote passed 5.0.
Mr. Gill recommended that the Board retain Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. for special projects at their proposed 2023 rate schedule and to extend Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement with Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. Until December 31, 2023. After discussion, Mr. DiSario made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bernard to retain Hydraterra Professionals, LLC. For special projects at their proposed 2023 rate schedule and to extend Caln Township Municipal Authority’s General Engineering Consulting Agreement until December 31, 2023. The vote passed 5.0.
Financials; Sewer Fund,
Mr. Gill reviewed the sewer financial summary and the revenues and expenditures for the Sewer Operating Fund for the month of November 2022 and the balances in Act 57 and Sewer Capital Funds. After discussion, Mr. Mullin made a motion, seconded by Mr. DiSario, to accept the November financials, as submitted. The vote passed 5.0.
2023 Rate Resolution
Mr. Gill presented Resolution 2022-7-CTMA establishing the sewer rates effective January 1, 2023 and approving the 2023 Operating and Capital Fund budgets. The resolution proposes an increase in sewer rates. Mrs. Bernard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schew adopting Resolution # 2022-7-CTMA effective January 1, 2023. The vote passed 5.0.
Penalty Waiver Request Update
Mr. Gill informed the Board that no penalty waiver requests were made for the month of November.
PAWC Rate Increase
Mr. Gill informed the Board that PAWC was officially granted their proposed rate increase on December 8, 2022, by the PUC with an effective date of January 28, 2023. The new usage charge will be $14.50/1,000 gallons, whereas the current usage charge is $9.64/1,000 gallons. PAWC indicated that rate request was driven by more than $1.1 billion that Pennsylvania American Water will have invested in water and wastewater system improvements through 2023 to continue providing safe and reliable service. The differential between the new and existing treatment costs at PAWC is $14.50-$9.64=$4.86 per 1,000 gallons. The additional treatment costs per year based on the 5-year adjusted average flow to PAWC would be 181,107 gpd. X $4.86/1,000 gallons x 365 days=$321.266.
Director’s Report
Mr. Gill discussed his Director’s Report and noted a list of current projects which the Department is working on and their progress.
There being no further business, Mrs. Bernard made a motion, and seconded by Mr. Schew, to adjourn the December 19, 2022, meeting at 8:20pm. The vote passed 5.0.
Respectfully Submitted
Jennylyn Tanedo,
Recording Secretary

december_19_2022_ctma_minutes.pdf |